Friday, May 2, 2014

The Desire to Simplify

My husband and I recently took a trip to Walla Walla, Washington.  This is a small farming community with a large population of seventh day Adventists.  My husband works in the auto sales industry which requires long hours away from home and constant pressure to produce.  He is a fast-paced person who rarely takes time to relax.  

Something interesting happened during that trip to Walla Walla.  The area is very quiet, and the people are very friendly.  Life is simple there.  Something struck a chord in my husband’s spirit.  He realized that although he makes a lot of money working like he does, he is not content.  The simple things are the things that are most important to him.  He spoke of a desire to downsize, reduce living expenses, work less hours in a different industry, and spend more time with me.  

I too had been caught up in the game of chasing the almighty dollar.  I worked ten-hour days as a paralegal and even brought work home just to try to stay afloat with a heavy workload.  I was recently laid off.  And although I was very distraught at the loss of my job, I found the greatest blessing in being home during the day.  After the initial shock of losing my job and the emotional pain that such a loss brings, I found myself experiencing joy as I cleaned my house.  I never had the time to clean it well.  I started cooking again.  I had no stress!  My husband remarked that he loved having me home and being able to come home to a clean house and food cooking on the stove.  I realized that I am happiest when I can be focused on my household.
During the trip to Walla Walla, my husband and I started to dream together.  We dreamed of a simple life.  A life where we could live modestly and without the high level of stress that we were accustomed to.  We dreamed of waking up together in the mornings, taking walks together, drinking coffee together, and just spending time together.  

Of course there is the reality of the bills needing to get paid.  We talked about reducing our living expenses in such a way that we could both work part time and have more time to spend together while we are young and healthy.  We also tossed around the idea of starting a small business together.  We talked about how we are happiest when we are together and keeping up with the Joneses is not what makes us happy.  We live in a time when it is common for both husband and wife to work all the time, forfeiting happiness that can be enjoyed now in order to delay gratification for that “someday”.  Why not simplify in order to make it possible to enjoy the simple things now?

This is actually a great time to start downsizing as both of our children will soon be leaving the nest.  We have a desire to declutter, to get rid of things that we do not need, to fix up the kids’ bedrooms and make them guest rooms.  

I have a desire to simplify my meal planning.  No longer do I want to stress over meals that require  a lot of ingredients that are difficult to find.  I want to cook simply using fresh produce.  I want to go back to the basics.  

I want to do things that truly make me happy.  I love to write, and I put that on the back burner in order to pursue my paralegal career.  Why not do what God has created me to do?

Am I going through a mid-life crisis?  Maybe.  But apparently I am not alone, because there are books and blogs and online communities of people who desire to simplify their lives.  What about you?  Do you ever find yourself wanting to simplify your life? 

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